Sunday, December 30, 2018

Tragedy and Teamwork

Kaitlyn, Jozah and Evelynn lost their parents in a car crash.  Kaitlyn was in the wreck and died at the hospital.  Embedded in the tragedy was a family member who kept the five and ten-year old children company in the hospital.  Lansing Police Chaplains walked alongside Arleene Herrera in her time of need.

Arleene was supported while she supported grieving children. Chaplain Milton, my supervisor, visited her in the hospital.  Lieutenant Anderson of the Lansing Police Department guarded her identity until an appropriate time.  The Voice of Power Deliverance Ministry covered her in prayer.  I joined the financial gifts of Reliant partners to the effort surrounding Arleene.   

The children have since been discharged.  Reporters have moved on to other stories.  Gardenia's death reduces information on her children to a need to know basis.  I'm not really sure where Jozah and Evelynn are today.

I do know that in a time of need, we were equipped to respond.  Regular, generous, prayer and financial support of the ministry made a difference.

During tragedy, the team was there.

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