Friday, February 8, 2019

A Promise & A Prayer

Police radio chatter can be disorienting.  "Ten" codes drive covert conversations.  Ten-four means "I heard what you said".  Ten-eight, ten-two, ten-ninety-nine all mean something.  I'm still learning, but equally disorienting can be the sound of my name coming over the radio.

A little after midnight, radio traffic requested a chaplain. 

My cop asked what I wanted to do. I nodded. 

"Ten-four, en route". 

On the way, I felt a queasy curiosity.  What could be going on at 1 a.m. to require a chaplain?

We arrived, rode the hospital elevator and found a family in mourning.  Security, cops, screaming, fingerpointing, weeping, pacing, wailing and shock saturated the air.  In an emergency, we default to our lowest level of training.  I defaulted to scripture.

"Those who mourn will be comforted."  (Matthew 5:4)

Jesus promised, but there was no comfort in sight. 

"Who's leading the family?" All eyes fell on BJ.  "Can we talk?"  Curiosity calmed people as BJ and I huddled.

"What happened?" 

"Admitted this week...we were visiting regularly... a complicated surgery... now this."

The work of the Spirit is real.  What I said doesn't matter as much as what the Lord did.  A dozen family members were brought to see that MK needed their best that night.  A police matter was distracting from the importance of the work of honoring their loved one.  Anger was held next to their love. 

Most gathered; a few walked away when I called for prayer.  The willing held hands, bowed together.  We asked God to keep a promise.

What could be going on to require a chaplain?  I still don't know; I walked into a situation that required the Word.

They prepared to see the body.  BJ consoled his family. Security slackened.  We left.

"Those who mourn will be comforted."



  1. Excellent, brother. The ministry of presence is what we're about. Obedience is what he requires - which may, at times, call for sacrifice at 1 in the morning. - bg

    1. Thank you Betsy. Thankful for Lord's presence, obedience and sacrifice. May we follow His example.

  2. Just being there by their side is enough sometimes, but it doesn't make us feel like we're needed, but we are! We're needed to relay Gods' word and His comfort!
    Thanks for just being there Brother

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. God's peace and comfort to you

  3. Wow I can feel the anxiety of this ordeal. I am grateful to read how the Holy Spirit step in. I am believing in God to have this ministry here. Well needed. Thank you for sharing and I will do the same.

  4. Amen Anita. The Spirit is active and needed. Thank you for casting a vision for ministry right where you are.

  5. Rev. Pickens, thanks for always making yourself available to those in need. You live for others. Keep up the great ministry God is building through you. God's underlying promises are real so please keep believing.

    1. Ventura, your light shines brightly. You live for others! In a the wake of Cyclone Idai, hearing from you is a particular blessing. I believe; your post helps my unbelief.

  6. Thank you Father God for keeping your promise. Thank you Alex for reminding me that He is faithful.

    1. Thank you Holy Spirit for stirring our hearts. Thank you Chareese for surrendering to the Spirit.
