Saturday, July 2, 2016

Acts 11:12

My name is Goonyong Lee, I'm a South Korean, and I have a ministry team internship program at the University Baptist Church. I had a mowing the lawn and hedges at last Thursday, and I had a blue house's garage painted at this morning.

I had a classes, homework, team project, final exam at the campus, and I had also bible study, worship, volunteer, ministry team meeting at the church. Therefore, sometimes, I was difficult and lonely time. I asked myself "what are you doing?" "what is your goal?" At this moment, I have pray to the God "God, my father, I have no foresight on my way, I want to listen your answer, I want to know your plans and orders for me" However, the God didn't told me anything. Because, I have an uncertain future myself. I wished that I would make batter than now if I have one person who is working together. Today, I found the people who are working together, and I realized what is the gratitude means. I still I don't know what's the plan of God for me. I just felt, the God teaches me the perseverance like as iron in the fire. Thanks the God in the name of Jesus Christ.

"And the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing doubting. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered into the man's house." 
Acts 11:12

Thanks a lot about all of you guys!!

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