Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Renewal of the Holy Spirit

We tend a vision to see all peoples of the world know, worship and grow (KWaG) as disciples of Jesus Christ.  As we KWaG together, I am witnessing a renewal only the Spirit of the Lord can fuel.

University Baptist Leadership Council
The Holy Spirit has brought a diverse Leadership Council together.  We shared a wonderful time of unity and celebration at a recent photo shoot.  Mutual encouragement and hopeful progression toward goals begins with leadership but continues to flow out to the congregation and community.

Annual Congregational Meeting Fellowship
The congregation is breaking bread together; studying the Word together and seeking the Lord's face together.  Two midweek Bible studies have blossomed and attendance is encouraging.  We KWaG by throwing open doors to members of the Body of Christ praying at a 7 am prayer service, singing as a community choir and worshiping during a Friday evening Christian Fellowship.
Food and fellowship

We are pursuing a vision to see all peoples of the world know, worship and grow (KWaG) as disciples of Jesus Christ.  The presence of the Holy Spirit is producing a new thing in the life of University Baptist Church.

"...the Lord has done this,

and it is marvelous in our eyes’" ~ Mark 12:11

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