Friday, February 14, 2014

Bickford Assisted Living Outreach

Bickford Assisted Living, Okemos, MI
I tend a vision to see all peoples of the world know, worship and grow (KWaG) as disciples of Jesus Christ.  Driven by prayer, my next steps are often unclear to me until I take them.  As I was walking near our home, the Mark 12:30-31 commandment to love God and neighbor erupted.  I passed the Bickford Assisted Living Facility and was instructed to begin praying for those inside the building.  I returned to Bickford later to participate in a blood drive and again to eventually meet the director and her staff.  

Paul, Me and Tyler
During the months I prayed for Bickford, the Lord brought me back to the vision to see all peoples KWaG and instructed me to live out the vision through the Bickford Facility.  "How do we live out vision with Bickford?"  While my assignment was clear, the way to proceed was unclear.  Burdened by my lack of answers, I shared the question with the congregation and asked for prayer.  Weeks went by before Paul and Tyler surfaced as the first of several answers to the Bickford question.
Tyler ministering on piano
Paul and Tyler answered the Bickford question by setting a date, planning their activities and being punctual.  Paul provided sleight of hand and Tyler played sacred and secular music on the piano.  Bickford residents were greatly encouraged and I learned a valuable lesson about vision.  

Paul ministering with sleight of hand
My most important undertakings in tending vision are prayer and obedience. When I stay connected to the Lord, in prayer, fruit is borne beyond my capacity to produce.  When I pray with the people, trust the Spirit with the people and take the next right step with the people, we together are able to see all peoples of the world know, worship and grow (KWaG) as disciples of Jesus Christ.


  1. What a wonderful worthwhile effort to be the hands & feet of Christ to our seniors unable to live on their own any longer!

    1. Everyone gets a turn to be temporarily able. While I'm temporarily able, I hope the hands and feet Jesus has given will be used for His glory. Thankful Paul and Tyler have caught the vision.
