Fresh bread does things to us. Beyond, "What a nice smell," bakeries make us think and shop differently. Behavior is triggered by smell and smell triggers our sense of taste. Bakeries are sensual places.

"Lord, will You reveal Your viewpoint against the backdrop of my coronaviral weariness?"
Listening for the Spirit continued through the check out line and into the parking lot. Nothing. Like the bread smell blocked by a mask, God may have been present but I wasn't sensing anything. Then I saw a sign.
"Donuts: 2/$3"Just as quickly as my hopes for a bakery visit had been dashed, they were revived. Who likes donuts more than cops? Who has been sent as a missionary to cops?
Who is on a prayer team that petitions the Bread of Life? Who is connected to financial partners enabling a 207 officer donut run? Who needed eyes off of self in service to others?
God turned dejection into direction. With a quiet, "Thank You Lord," I represented the prayer and financial partners by buying dozens of donuts and delivering them to the station .
The operations center was empty but the swipe card still worked. Treats were left for the next shift, with a note and text to the Sergeant. One gesture was fueled by dozens of people walking alongside the work. Outreach to first responders is a privilege.
The mask and gloves didn't stop Christ's work in our lives. May the Holy Spirit remind each of us that perspective matters.
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