Saturday, April 6, 2019

Finishing Well

Norm and Oliver
"The end of a matter is better than its beginning..."
~ Ecclesiastes 7:8a

Norm Naimy ended a 25 year career with the Lansing Police Department (LPD) in February 2019.

His journey to LPD began in Southfield, MI when he was accepted to Northern Michigan University.  After graduation, he worked with Marquette PD until joining Lansing PD in 1994. Norm's family is connected to Kahlil Gibran, who wrote:
"Work is love made visible." Gibran the Prophet (1923)
Alex and Norm
The visible portion of Norm's work was Oliver, his K-9 teammate. Over eight years the pair conducted more than sixty-five statewide K-9 demonstrations for school children and community members.  Norm also became a mentor for officers in the fledgling K-9 program, including caring for dogs while handlers were on vacation.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms deputized Norm for work in the Violent Crimes Initiative.  Cases took him into other time zones, but he always called MI home.

I met Norm while riding along with another officer.  I saw him quietly support and direct junior officers responding to 911 calls.  Sergeants confessed their confidence in his leadership on the road.  During the awards ceremony, Chief Michael Yankowski called Norm one of his "early mentors at LPD" and a "hall of fame" officer.

He's excited about spending time with family and the new ways he will make love visible.

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