Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Frustrated Mother

She was involved in an auto accident, and the truck driver promised her someone would call from the office.

After a week, no one called so she went to the business office.  Her car was still damaged and she wanted someone to pay for the repairs.  The more office staff advised her to "Call your insurance company," the more irritated she became.  After an hour, the police were called.
Office lobby photo by

The 911 caller, dispatcher and the officer work together.  Upon arrival, the officer is busy with lights, radio traffic, assessments and the onboard computer.  Chaplains spend much time watching for ways to be an asset: bringing bottled water for citizens; offering first aid in a pinch; directing traffic at a scene. 

Joe* and I wore blue uniforms and the office workers smiled, but a lady in the lobby looked away.  The Lord used the smiles and averted eyes to nudge me to ask, "Joe, may I stay in the lobby while you connect with the 911 caller inside?"

"Sure," was Joe's response as he adjusted his duty belt, started his body camera and entered the building.  Alone in the lobby, I began walking toward the lady who looked away.

"Speak Holy Spirit..." I silently prayed. 

Prayer unfolds in the in-between places.  When praying and walking, one foot may be lifted in doubt, the other dropped in certainty.  When praying and breathing, inhalation may be fearful, the exhalation courageous.  In the place between separating from Joe and sitting next to the lady I realized I did not know what I was going to do or say.

"Speak Holy Spirit..." as I eased into the chair.

"Did you know your purse matches your shoes?" I asked.  She sat up, looked at me and smirked involuntarily.  She was frustrated but the smirk gave way to a grin.

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

She began to reveal the intricacies of a complex week: two children were depending on her; the car was needed to make money; she needed money to fix the car; they promised to call but didn't; she wasn't leaving until someone fixed her car. 

"I understand.  Can you tell me about the accident?"

Karen* began to cry as she explained details of the accident.  While she spoke, the Holy Spirit stirred scripture within:
Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. ~ James 1:19
She needed a listening ear and a closed mouth.  As her story tumbled out, I nodded and asked short follow up questions.  Joe returned, with a secretary and a vice-president, and asked Karen, "Can you tell me what's going on?" but she looked away.

"I don't want to talk to you, but I will talk to him," she said while pointing at me.

"Fine by me," said Joe.  He too was quick to listen, slow to speak and get angry.  She continued her story and our exchange began to de-escalate the situation.  "I feel like someone is finally listening to me." 

We began working on solutions to her concerns.  Joe took the lead and this time she was open to working with him.  When Joe asked if she had any weapon, she produced a knife and gave it to me.  She gave me her purse to hold while she made a phone call to update her family.  With Joe in charge, and a chaplain riding along, we got her back on track.
Mother and child photo by

On a difficult morning, the Spirit used the chaplaincy to serve a frustrated mother of two.  I was there because the Lord is using a team of prayer and financial partners to send me in outreach among first responders.  

Jesus is using the chaplaincy to make a difference and we give God all the glory.
* Fictitious name


  1. This is an AWSOME example of Jesus's Model of The Ministry of Presence !
    A call to minister is a call to participate into someone's life ! Matt. 18:20 says "When two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them". Thanks Chaplain Pickens for that experience !

    1. Carmichael, we rejoice in the truths of Scripture. Technology allows virtual gatherings of two or three, in His name. Your reading, our writing and the silent reader of comments makes three! Jesus is near and we acknowledge His ministry of presence.

  2. This is an AWSOME example of Jesus's Model of The Ministry of Presence !
    A call to minister is a call to participate into someone's life ! Matt. 18:20 says "When two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them". Thanks Chaplain Pickens for that experience !

  3. Thank You Alex for Sharing this Testimony. It is a great reminder that a big part of any Ministry is Listening! Listening to God's Word, to the Leading of His Holy Spirit, and to the people whom you are called to minister to on His behalf for His Glory.

    1. Thank you for your readership. May the Holy Spirit continue stirring your gift of encouragement into a flame. We're listening to the Spirit, through your post, and give God all the glory.
